A Tribute To A Patriotic Young Man Of Valour

Francis Chinomso Obaji known amongst his close friends and relatives as Nomso, which is a short form of his middle name meaning in our native Igbo language GOD IS VERY NEAR, was born in Owerri, Imo state of Nigeria on April 1983.
He attended his Elementary School at the Assumpta International Primary School Owerri Nigeria, and did his junior high school at the Alvana secondary school Owerri, before migrating to the United States of America with his brother Chukwuma, sister Chidinma and mother Violet, to join his father Cyril in New York.
He continued his education at the Bitmas High School and Erasmus High School all in Brooklyn New York.
Nomso had his college education at the University of Staten Island from 2001 -2004.
He enlisted with the United States Army in 2002 and had various military training.
Francis Chinomso in conformity with his middle name believes that our Creator GOD is always near us to answer us when we pray, to support us and to encourage us.
This belief, coupled with Nomso’s Igbo Christian culture of justice, fair play and patriotism enshrined in the Igbo adage “EGBE BERE UGO BERE” meaning live and let live, controlled, directed and nurtured Nomso’s attitude to life and sense of patriotism.
Nomso had in his early stage of life admired men of courage and patriotism. In the year 2002, he telephoned me in Lagos and requested some books on the life of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe Nigeria’s foremost leader and fighter for her colonial emancipation. When I got him the books, I saw some other literature on Dr Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi with him. Going through these books, I observed that Nomso carefully underlined the great speeches and acts of patriotism of the men in the books.
I took Nomso up on this and he asserted that he loved and admired these leaders for their sense of patriotism, courage and commitment to their GOAL of liberating their people.
Nomso during his 21 years on earth demonstrated that he learnt a lot from his parents and from Dr Azikiwe, Dr Martin Luther King Jnr and Dr Mahatma Ghandi.
Nomso always demonstrated love for his people and now love for his country.
Today, we salute that love courage and patriotism.
As we mourn the death of this young man of valour, courage and patriotism who put his life on the line so that humanity will flourish, we take solace that GOD ALMIGHTY will receive a soul in Paradise.
We also salute the courage and selfless service of men and women like Nomso who are fighting in various sectors of the world; Liberia, Afghanistan and Somalia against various forms of inhumanity to bring peace.
We pray that God in His infinite mercy will not allow their efforts go in vain.
Nomso we pray that you go in peace.
Nomso we pray that your death will not be in vain.
We will continue to remember you.
Adieu a great son of Igboland Adieu a great son of Nigeria Adieu a great son of America.
Your father CY wishes you well.
Your mother Violet wishes you well.
Your sisters Chidinma & Helen wishes you well.
Your brothers Chukwuma & Brian wishes you well.
Your Cousins, Uncles, Aunties and Grandmas wish you well.
Adieu my great nephew.
Adieu! Adieu!! Adieu!!! till we meet to part no more.
Chief Sam Obaji
For the family
Mario Speedwogan
May 21, 2020